Q:  If I have applied online, do I need to send my application by post / email?

A: You do not need to send application by post / email if you have applied online


Q : After applied online, how long I will be contacted for the test?

A : If you pass the administration selection, you will be contacted within 2 weeks


 Q : Why am I not being contacted within 2 weeks after applying online or other selection stages?

A : You are not being contacted because :
1. You don’t pass the selection stages, or
2. Currently there are no positions that match your qualification. You will be contacted when there is a suitable position


Q: Can I reapply to your company if I have failed in the previous selection stages?

A: Yes, you can. Please reapply after 2 years from the previous selection. You will be contacted if you match the qualification


Q:  Jika saya sudah mendaftar secara online, apakah saya perlu mengirimkan berkas lamaran melalui pos/email?

A: Anda tidak perlu mengirimkan berkas lamaran melalui pos/email jika sudah mendaftar secara online


Q : Setelah mendaftar secara online, berapa lama saya akan dihubungi untuk tes?

A : Jika lolos seleksi administrasi, Anda akan dihubungi dalam waktu 2 minggu


 Q : Mengapa saya tidak dihubungi dalam waktu 2 minggu setelah mendaftar online atau tahapan seleksi lainnya?

A :Anda tidak dihubungi karena :
1. Anda tidak lolos tahapan seleksi, atau
2. Saat ini belum ada posisi yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi Anda. Anda akan dipanggil kembali apabila ada posisi yang sesuai.


Q: Apakah saya boleh mendaftar kembali ke perusahaan jika sudah pernah gagal dalam tahapan seleksi sebelumnya?

A: Boleh. Silakan mendaftar kembali setelah 2 (dua) tahun dari pelaksanaan seleksi sebelumnya. Anda akan dihubungi kembali jika memenuhi kualifikasi


Q:  If I have applied online, do I need to send my application by post / email?

A: You do not need to send application by post / email if you have applied online

Q : After applied online, how long I will be contacted for the test?

A : If you pass the administration selection, you will be contacted within 2 weeks

 Q : Why am I not being contacted within 2 weeks after applying online or other selection stages?

A : You are not being contacted because :
1. You don’t pass the selection stages, or
2. Currently there are no positions that match your qualification. You will be contacted when there is a suitable position

Q: Can I reapply to your company if I have failed in the previous selection stages?

A: Yes, you can. Please reapply after 2 years from the previous selection. You will be contacted if you match the qualification


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