broad spectrum anthelmintic

Eradicate all stages of worms in the digestive and respiratory tract in sheep and goats
Nematodes (Haemonchus sp., Oesophagostomum sp., Bunostomum sp., Trichostrongylus  sp.,  Nematodirus  sp.,  Cooperia  sp.,  Capillaria  sp.,  Ostertagia  sp., Strongyloides sp.) in larvae and adult stage
Larvae and adult lung worm (Dictyocaulus sp., Muellerius sp.)
Adult tapeworm (Moniezia sp.)
Adult liver fluke (Fasciola sp.)

Sheep, goats:
1 caplet per 60 kg of body weight

Do not give during first 45 days of pregnancy
 Do not consumed milk that has been milked within 4 days after treatment
Stop giving Wormzol-K 12 days before livestock is slaughtered for human consumption
Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight  

Box  : 12 pots @ 10 caplets
        :   1 pot  @ 50 caplets
For veterinary use only
Under licensed veterinarian prescription

Indonesia     : KEMENTAN RI No. D 1201111 PKM.1

Wormzol K

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