iron & vitamin B supplement for piglets

For prevention and treatment of anemia in nursing piglets caused by insufficient supply
  of iron from the cow’s milk
Growth enhancement and mortality reduction in piglets
Improvement of body resistance against infection

Inject intramuscularly (through flesh/muscle) on thigh areas
Dosage: 2 ml per piglet at the age of 2-4 days
If symptoms of iron deficiency appear, repeat at the age of 2-3 weeks for 2 ml per piglet

Box    : 12 bottles @ 100 ml

For veterinary use only
Under licensed veterinarian prescription

Indonesia       : KEMENTAN RI No. D 05071733 PKC.1
Cambodia      : 0208/1109 BKP
Philippines     : VR-3036
Vietnam         : MDI-29

Ferdex Plus
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