Livestock Services
Optimal Animal Health, Maximum Productivity
Medion Ardhika Bhakti provides top-notch services including vaccination, beak trimming, and livestock equipment maintenance. Backed by experienced professionals, Medion ensures exceptional service to enhance your farm's productivity and delivers added value through professional solutions.

Vaccination aims to stimulate the formation of protective and uniform antibodies, according to the type of vaccine administered. Vaccination techniques are designed synergistically to provide the best protection against disease challenges in chickens. Each vaccination procedure must be carried out by professionals, ensuring optimal and efficient results. With the right vaccination process, we help maintain the health of your livestock while increasing the productivity of your farm.
- Rapid effectivity
- Early protection for livestock
- Minimizes disease transmission between flocks
- Stimulates the formation of protective and uniform antibodies

Pullet uniformity is the key to success in producing quality laying hens. With a high level of uniformity, productivity will be optimized. One important step to support this uniformity is the application of proper beak trimming techniques. Beak trimming must be done by trained personnel to be safe and not fatal.
- Reduce pecking behavior (cannibalism)
- facilitate ration consumption
- reduce ration scattering
- Achieve optimal production performance
- Ensure uniform growth in chickens

Regularly monitor the body weight of laying hens to ensure optimal health and maximum production potential. Maintaining an ideal body weight is key to keeping pullets in prime condition and maximizing their egg-laying output.
- Regularly measure poultry body weight
- Determine the right time for harvesting
- Assess flock uniformity
- Monitor poultry growth and performance
- Optimize poultry productivity

We provide professional services for cage installation, equipment maintenance, and product repair.
- Cleanliness and safety of the livestock environment
- Prevent damage
- Longer equipment life
- Cage efficiency and productivity
- Avoiding production disruptions

The proper use of disinfectants is a critical step in livestock biosecurity. Disinfectants help minimize disease risks by eliminating or inhibiting the growth of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause poultry diseases.
- Effective disease and parasite control
- Enhanced livestock productivity
- Breaking the cycle of pathogens in cages
Our Strengths, Your Benefits
International Certification and Standards
Professional and Experienced Team
Cutting-Edge Technology
Services with Optimal Results
We’re Ready to Help You!
Whatever your needs or questions, our team is always prepared to provide the best solutions.