minerals supplement for swine

Each kg contains : Micro and macro minerals, vitamin B12

Stimulate growth of swines
Overcome anemia in swines or piglets
Increase appetites and enhances feed efficiency
Prevent paralysis in nursing sows

1 kg per 100 kg of feed (10 kg per ton of feed), mix thoroughly

Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight

Sack    : 1 sack @ 1 kg

For veterinary use only

Indonesia      : KEMENTAN RI No. D 03021838 FTS.1
Philippines    : VR-09-3512
Vietnam        : 402-11/08-CN

Mineral Babi

2 thoughts on “Mineral Babi

    • August 28, 2019 at 2:22 pm

      Selamat siang,
      Produk ini untuk memperbaiki pertumbuhan, mengatasi anemia pada anak babi, menambah napsu makan, dan mencegah kelumpuhan pada induk babi.
      Terima kasih.

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