precise dose anthelmintic for poultry

For poultry with worm infestation of:
Roundworm (Ascaridia galli)
Caecal worm (Heterakis gallinae)

Put caplet into mouth and force into the throat
Broiler, layer, duck:
4-6 weeks old          : ½ caplet
Above 6 weeks old   :  1 caplet

Treatment may be re-administered once a month or as necessary
 In severe infestation, treatment could be given every 2 weeks
 Best treatment is at night after chicken is fasted for 2 hours in the afternoon
Stop giving Triworm 5 days before poultry is slaughtered for human consumption
Store in tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight

Bottle                    : 1 bottle @ 100 caplets
                               1 bottle @ 300 caplets
Plastic containers   : 1 plastic containers @ 1,000 caplets    For veterinary use only

Indonesia     : KEMENTAN  RI No. D 0607203 PTM.2


One thought on “Triworm

  • October 25, 2019 at 7:33 pm

    Terima kasih
    Sangat berguna segai tambahan wawasan untuk menjaga kesehatan ayam

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