vitamins + antibiotics  for growing healthier chicks

Enhance growth
Prevent vitamin deficiencies
Overcome stress
Reduce mortality in chicks

To prevent diseases and high mortality, to enhance growth (prevent retarded and uneven growth), to overcome stress (disorders during change of weather, after vaccination, distribution, house relocation)

Age0-2 weeks3-4 weeks5 weeks – mature
AdministrationDailyDailyDuring disorder
DosageDosage  ADosage BDosage A

Dosage A:
5 grams per 7 liters of drinking water
Dosage B:
5 grams per 12 liters of drinking water

Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight

Box                      :    40 sachets @     5 g
                                 30 sachets @   10 g
                                 20 sachets @   25 g
Glass                    :     2 sachets @   50 g
Plastic container    :    10 sachets @  50 g
                                 10 sachets @ 100 g
Dos                       :   20 sachets @ 250 g
Drum                     : 200 sachets @ 100 g

For veterinary use only

Indonesia    : KEMENTAN RI No. D 0608730 GTS.2

Vita Chicks
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