Ferdex Plus

iron & vitamin B supplement for piglets INDICATION• For prevention and treatment of anemia in nursing piglets caused by insufficient supply  of iron from the cow’s milk• Growth enhancement and mortality reduction in piglets• Improvement of body resistance against infection

Ferdex 100

iron supplement for piglets INDICATION• For prevention and treatment of anemia in nursing piglets caused by lack iron, parasitic infection   or bleeding of piglets especially at the age of 3 days• To reduce mortality in piglets• Growth enhancement• Improvement


broad spectrum antibiotic for swine INDICATION• Bacterial scours (watery stools; black-colored, smelly faeces containing flecks of blood)• Pneumonia (respiratory rales, coughing, snoring)• Septicemia (fever, prostration, dyspnea, reduced appetites) DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATIONAdminister Sulpig 0.5 ml per kg of body weight on

Socorex Automatic Syringe (ASS) Volume 1-10 ml

Socorex Automatic Syringe (ASS)Socorex® is self refilling syringes with spring-loaded plunger that are designed for continuous precision injections.Simple conception, perfect balance, and ergonomic design provide for ease of use, operator comfort,and fatigue-free fieldwork Advantages:• Superior, long-lasting quality• Easy to use,

Mineral Feed Supplement S

minerals supplement for dairy cow and beef cattle COMPOSITIONEvery kg contains : micro and macro minerals  INDICATION• To enhance growth of beef cow and increase beef cow body weight• To increase milk production and to prevent embryonic mortality and paralysis

Kalsinat Inj

parenteral preparation for increasing calcium for cow and other livestock INDICATIONHypocalcaemia (lack of calcium) in large and small livestock with clinical signs: walking difficullty, incoordination of muscle, tremor and paralyzed DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATIONInject Kalsinat Inj intravenously or subcutaneously 1-1.5 ml


antibloat for cow, goat, sheep INDICATIONTo treat bloating (tympany) caused by excess gas formation in cow, goat and sheep rumen DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION• Cow, buffalo:  100 ml per 500 ml of water forcibly given via oral • Goat, sheep:  25 ml

Vita B-Plex Bolus

vitamin B complex for cattle Indication Cow, horse, sheep, goat, swine: Prevent and treat diseases caused by vitamin B complex deficiencies Increase appetite Improve metabolism so that can accelerate growth and increase milk production Help to accelerate recovery process from

Kututox Oral

for louses and worms Indication Poultry: eradicates ectoparacites such as mites, ticks / louses, and endoparacites (nematodes such as: Capillaria spp., Ascaridia spp., Heterakis gallinarum). Goat and sheep: – worms (mature and immature) in gastrointestinal : Cooperia spp., Haemonchus contortus,

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