Sharing knowledge with stakeholders in the domestic livestock industry continues to be carried out by Medion. This company that produces medicines, vaccines, and livestock equipment from Bandung routinely holds various educational activities. Medion not only covers technical lessons related to animal husbandry, but also non-technical lessons for self-development.

Photo with Webinar Participants

On October 27th, 2022, Medion held a Personal Branding webinar with the topic “Building Excellence and Winning Competitions” by online to one of the major livestock partnerships in Indonesia, namely Mustika. The webinar began with a speech by Arif as a representative of the Mustika Headquarters team. This was followed by the delivery of lesson by Medion Commissioner Peter Yan.

The webinar was attended by 103 participants who were enthusiastic about participating in the entire events. Especially during the question and answer session, participants actively ask questions and discuss. Trainers explain the lesson well and uses media that are easy for participants to understand. Participants were satisfied because the material presented was interesting and answered their needs, especially to support the achievement of success parameters in work.

The implementation of this webinar shows Medion’s commitment as a trusted partner to continue to provide innovative and comprehensive solutions through applicable education and excellent service so that it can provide added value to all stakeholders.

Medion Shares Personal Branding Knowledge with Customers
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