In order to increase students’ insight into the livestock pharmaceutical industry as well as provide a direct picture of Medion’s role in the livestock industry. On May 13rd 2024, Medion invites veterinary students throughout Indonesia to attend the agenda of the joint student visit. This activity was attended by students from various universities including Padjadjaran University, IPB University, Gadjah Mada University, Brawijaya University, Airlangga University, Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya, Udayana University, and Hasanuddin University.

Attended by 43 participants, this activity aims to increase students’ insight into the veterinary pharmaceutical industry, and provide an overview of the role of veterinary medicine students at Medion.

On this occasion, the veterinary students were invited to take a plant tour of the Pharmaceutical Product Medion area. Then, a presentation on “Medion’s Strategic Steps towards the Development of the Livestock Industry in Indonesia” was given. In addition, there is also sharing (Campus Talk) related to the experiences of Medion workers who are veterinary alumni with the participants.
All participants enthusiastically participated in this activity. One of the participants, Arai from Padjadjaran University revealed that he felt very happy with the material and plant tour provided. He began to have a clear picture between the knowledge learned and practice in the world of work. Followed by Lavensi from Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya. He expressed his gratitude to Medion for allowing him to see job opportunities as a veterinarian with a wider reach, especially in the poultry sector. Because previously, the majority of students knew the opportunity for veterinarians more towards the clinic.