The outbreak of Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) has a significant impact on farmers. After the outbreak, the problems faced continued, namely reproductive disorders that made it difficult for cows to get pregnant and had a large economic impact. Therefore, the right solution is needed in dealing with these conditions.

As an effort to provide solutions, Medion and PRISMA (a partnership between the Government of Australia and the Government of Indonesia for inclusive agricultural market growth) held a Seminar on Thursday, 7th December 2023 in Lombok, entitled “Management of Reproductive Health After FMD and LSD, How Do Cattle Get Pregnant Quickly?”. The activity, which was held offline , was attended by around 100 participants with veterinarians, paramedics, and breeder backgrounds.

To optimize reproduction, strategies are needed, including checking the condition of the reproductive system of cattle individually and overcoming their disorders. Then, meet the nutritional needs of cattle with quality feed (forage and concentrates), provide mineral supplements and multivitamins, maximize nutrient absorption, and consider giving hormones. On this occasion, Medion’s expert team recommended innovative products, namely Digesfit and Mix Plus Cattle Pro.

This collaboration is a real support provided by Medion for farmers and medical personnel with the hope that livestock health management can be carried out properly and equip them to be able to go through the challenges of current livestock conditions.