Prevent vitamin B complex deficiency on fowl, cow, horse and swine
Increase immunity and accelerate recovery after infection

Inject intramuscularly (through flesh/muscle) once a day or as necessary

  Livestock  Dosage
  Poultry  0.5-1 ml per kg of body weight
  Swine  0.5 ml per 10 kg of body weight
  Cow, horse, Calf & foal   3-5 ml
  Adult cow & horse 5-10 ml
  Dog, cat  0.25-0.5 ml

Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight

Box       :  12     bottles @   20 ml
Box       :  12     bottles @   50 ml
Box       :  12     bottles @ 100 ml
Bottle    :    1     bottle   @ 500 ml

For veterinary use only
Under licensed veterinarian prescription

Indonesia      : KEMENTAN RI No. D 1203879 PKC.3
Cambodia     : 0211/1109 BKP
Vietnam        : MDI-18

Vitamin B Kompleks Injection
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